The Kyoko the reader has familiarized themselves with over the first half of the series was someone said to be a bright, laid-back, at times silly, but whole-heartedly supportive person, receptive and understanding when it came to the struggles of those around her. More than anything, she was a doting mother — something that initially vexed Arisa no end, and touched a younger Yuki deeply, as someone who had grown up without love from his own parents.
But who had Kyoko been before that, or is that all that there was to Kyoko? Was being a mother, is being a guide all that her person and her role within the narrative amount to? The answers to that are in volume 16. Quite fittingly, Kyoko Katsunuma’s story is presented to the reader by Kyo, who Kyoko had confided in when he was just a child, and the cover of volume 16 features none other than Arisa, Kyoko’s biggest admirer.
Adolescence — anywhere yet nowhere
Making Peace — the courage to say I love you
Gaining and Losing — together, not alone
Motherhood — for those who need me
Premature End — I persevered